NF contactor relays are featuring AF technology as standard. The electronically controlled coil offers multiple benefits over conventional alternatives, and together with ABB's wide product offering, an optimal configuration, every time.
Main benefits
Optimize logistics and cut administration costs with fewer product variants to handleAccess global support and use the same products in all parts of the worldA reduction of the coil's energy consumption by 80% lets you save energySecure your uptime by letting the AF technology overbridge voltage drops and sags.Main features
- 4 and 8-pole ranges available, 8-poles with permanently fixed 4-pole auxiliary contact block
- Screw, spring and ring tongue connection types available
- Built-in surge suppression
- Overlapping of lagging / leading contacts for NF33/11 and NF51/11 variants
- Easy-to-use accessories through snap-to-connect function
- Mechanically linked contacts.